Water Filtration Media

Media-Based filters is a filtration process of having water flow through a bed of sand or other granular media at a low speed. As this happens the media will pick up much of the solid matter, but the water passes through. This generally has to occur multiple times to remove enough of the toxins to make the water suitable for its particular use. This is an effective but slow way of filtering water, and is also the basis for how most media-based filters work today.

Carbon is the main material that makes up the filter in many of modern filtrations systems. The carbon is compressed into a solid block form a “multimedia” filter. This process is quite a bit faster than the traditional sandy material based filter, and be paired with other water cleaning options to create a clean water solution that is suitable for nearly every municipal or community need. While the first filtration stage removes the highest concentrations of chemicals, later stages will get rid of the smaller and harder to fight materials. Clean, fresh water is a necessity, and a good, clean filter is the key to making this happen.

Since the media-based filter will clean the water, leaving it looking, smelling and tasting fresher, over time the toxins build up in the filters and we need to be replaced. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the filter will add to the filter life and extend the period of time between replacements.